Sunday, January 20, 2013

Welcome to 2013

Happy New belated? Can you believe it is already January 20?! I have so many posts to get up, but the start to this new year has been B U Y Jake has been working a ton with crunch, but he says that should be over soon (fingers crossed!); I miss him! 

I did have to share before I start uploading how wonderful these past few weeks has been! My sister came to visit right after the holiday- it was such a wonderful time. I am hoping she decides to move here. Maybe I will get a post up here with all of the reasons she should move...

January has been a busy month full of birthdays. We have been downtown a few times to celebrate, which means that much more time with my boy! This morning they got to to go into the office a little later than usual. We woke up and took Apollo with us to breakfast- Coffee and Crepes- as always was delicious! Apollo is snoozing now and I am getting ready to craft. The weather had been absolutely gorgeous, so I do see a nice afternoon walk happening! 

Posting soon. Happy New Year :)

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