Sunday, October 14, 2012

Oooey, Gooey, Yummy Caramel Corn

Another great find from Pinterest- with a few rainy day alterations.

I spent most of my day today cleaning the house and reorganizing. We are hosting Jake's family for Thanksgiving, so I am working to declutter and get the place a little more kid friendly! We ended up having a late lunch so we decided we would have a snack for dinner. I love popcorn and found this recipe on pinterest and thought why not?!

It was so quick and easy to make, and I already had all of the ingredients! Popcorn- you can use a bag or kernals on the stove, brown sugar, butter and marshmallows. You can find the original recipe here. I added some marshmallows after the sauce was already made in with the popcorn- delicious! Also, after eating it, Jake and I both agreed a little less brown sugar next time. What do you think? What a great holiday treat this time of year!

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