Saturday, September 8, 2012

One of my Favorite Things

Do you still get excited when you check the mail and hope something has your name on it- something other an a bill or junk mail? 6 years ago, when I started my undergraduate years at Purdue my Grandma started writing me weekly letters. While this should have come as no surprise as she did it for my older siblings and cousins, I was still so excited when I received my first letter and the excitement has not stopped.

Now six years later, when I still go to check the mail, I get so excited anticipating that weekly letter.

As I grew older I started to understand the joy of a handwritten letter. One professor at Purdue even shared the importance a handwritten thank you was when it came to interviews. Since then, I make it a point to write letters and send cards. Sure, I still love my Facebook, email and text messages; but nothing is more exciting than opening the mailbox and seeing that someone took the time to send a thoughtful piece of mail.

Jake, the man in my life, this past year got me one of the best Valentine's gifts I have ever received. It was special for a number of reasons. One, because we don't often express our love through gifts and when he handed me my Valentine's gift, I knew it had to be special.

He knew my love for sending and receiving letters and he knew how important it was to send a put-together package. He bought me my very own stamp to seal my letters with. It is the most beautiful gift, embossed with a "K" and a silver owl on the end. I have different colors of wax to choose from, depending on the color of the envelope.

 It really is the best gift ever and all of the colors look so perfect with my paper tape. I often make some design first and then layer the stamp. I got a huge set of paper tape here.

Here is to the start of a great blog; an amazing boyfriend and many more letters to be written. 

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